About Us
Anesthesiologists cover Multiple in house services while on call: Operative Services: General OR, Cardiac, Obstetric, Pediatric, Trauma and non operative services: Pain Management, Recovery Room, ICU, and emergency airway Services, Just to name a few.
At After Hours Anesthesia, We take call...
We understand that not everyone wants to take every call. We recognize that there are often people there on staff that would be willing to cover extra call or even extra hours for the right price...
We know that in most cases, there is only a limited budget for overtime. Our Model is BUDGET NEUTRAL.
We let the market determine the value of each task. When the buyer of time and the provider of work are at an equlibirum, every one is happy and the cost to the department is ZERO.
We also recognize that there must be a system to keep track of both the chores that each of us do as well as how and what we get paid for each responsibility.
After Hours Anesthesia is a complex interactive database that was designed to keep track of individual moonlighting activity.
The system is so successful that we expanded it to manage entire groups of Physicians.
Now you can take advantage of the power of this system to decrease your overtime costs to Zero!
Designed to manage a large group of Anesthesiologists, After Hours Anesthesia concept is easily applicable to any service of any size that is considering moonlighting activity.
We are available 7 days a week to help you manage all of your moonlighting needs.